TerraBuild’s Yield Farm

1 min readOct 6, 2021

As its first product, TerraBuild is introducing a Yield Farm on the Binance Smart Chain. The Yield Farm allows users to yield farm TerraBuild token ($TBD) rewards with each new block based on staking specific PancakeSwap’s LP tokens they receive from PancakeSwap.

TerraBuild is the first yield farming protocol that rewards its holders with BNB. TerraBuild Yield farm works on the Binance Smart Chain. Users need to first deposit liquidity on PancakeSwap for the following pairs:

  1. TBD/BNB
  3. Eloin/BNB

Users will receive liquidity pair tokens which they need to stake on the TerraBuild Yield Farm to receive rewards in the form of TerraBuild Tokens ($TBD).

The TerraBuild Yield farm allows the minting of the TerraBuild Native token ($TBD). 90% of the TerraBuild token’s max supply is unminted and can only be minted by farming on the Yield Farming platform.

The guide on how to farm TerraBuild token rewards will be shared very soon…

Stay Tuned!

Website: https://terrabuild.app/

Farms: https://claim.terrabuild.app/farms/

Claim app: https://terrabuild.app/

White Paper: https://terrabuild.app/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/TerraBuild-WhitePaper-0x.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/terrabuilld

Telegram: https://t.me/terrabuilld




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